Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Vintage Mannequin Head

 This beautiful Vintage Mannequin head was bought at an auction in Georgia.  It was purchased in a lot with three other mannequin heads.  I do not know much about the piece.  I wanted the lot because of another mannequin that was part of the collection(will add pictures).  Can anyone tell me more about this mannequin?  I look forward to learning more!

Friday, February 3, 2012

Bohemian Bangles

On my Thursday thrifting trip I also picked up two vintage bangle bracelets.  The first is a black and white striped enamel bangle bracelet with brass inside.  It screams bohemian chic at a great price of...2.99! The best part is that it fit and bangles can always be a little tricky for me.

Vintage Blk./Wht. bangle bracelet
The second bracelet is a gold tone"West Indian Bangle" that I bought to go with the first for that awesome stackable appeal.  The best part is that when I got home I noticed that it's marked 18 ct. on the inside which means its gold and not brass like I previously assumed because of the color.  The bangle bracelet also cost me a whopping 2.99.
Vintage 18ct Gold West Indian bangle

Both Bracelets together
Needless to say I had a great day of thrifting.  Its little pieces like this that make my day.  Each bracelet cost about the same as a cup of coffee but the appeal will last much longer.  Happy Thrifting!!!

Armadillo Purse

OMG!OMG!OMG! I JUST started this post and already you get to share in the pure joy that I call hunting.I finished the day early and decided to hit three thrift stores.
Armadillo Purse--Front View
The first one is a privately owned store that used to be overpriced and poorly organized.  They made an overhaul and TA DA...its like a new place (maybe except for that musky old smell that permeates the building).  What keeps me going back is the unusual pieces that they stock and underprice(if that can even apply in thrifting).  The jewelry is reasonable but thats not why we're here...I FOUND AN ARMADILLO PURSE!
I went into another regular store I pop into once a week, I went to look at the alligator purse for the tenth time and BAM! In the case next to the alligator purse is a red-brown tone vintage Armadillo purse sans straps.
Armadillo Purse--Back View
Just this morning, this purse was on my wish list and now its on my SCORE List.  I didn't intend to spend as much on the purse but this is only the second purse I've seen in person and it was in much better condition than the first.  I intend to add a chain strap or replace the missing braided leather strap.

About the purse: The armadillo purse is a unique vintage piece that I date to around the 40's.  It has red toned jeweled eyes and real armadillo skin with legs and feet included.  The claws are intact as is all the stitching.  What made my "You must buy" reflex kick in is the awesome reddish brown hue and the quality of the bag.  Despite the missing braided straps the lining and mirror are fully intact as is all the stitching on the bag.  I felt that familiar high that all thrifting junkies feel when you've actually scored an item in person that you've been drooling over on line for some time.
Armadillo Purse--Open Flap

Interesting Fact: Armadillos have been linked to Leprosy in humans, a bacterial disease that can lead to nerve damage and disfigurement.  In most cases, people are infected after being exposed to saliva from an infected person, usually while traveling to parts of the world, such as Africa and Asia, where the disease is more prevalent.  This is a fact that I learned about before I bought the purse.  The transmission of disease comes from the flesh and they advice that people no longer eat or skin armadillos.
With ALL that said...I still love my purse.  Its definetely a show piece and I need to pick the perfect opportunity to wear it.  Many people (Im sure some of you reading this) are grossed out and repulsed by the thought of wearing an animal...Im not.  I have some reservations about fur but I have always been attracted to taxidermy jewelry and purses.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

My Very First Post!

Welcome to the world of "hunting".  I consider myself a huntress because I love to walk into a thrift store, flea market, antique shop and "hunt" for reasonably priced jewelry, purses and shoes.  I feel a sense of excitement when I first enter any thrift store.  The rush I feel when I see a unique piece of jewelry can not be matched by anything..well almost anything.  Its the same rush I feel when I wear a piece of jewelry for the first time and I wonder how my outfit or day was even complete without it.
My tastes run eclectic, from vintage Mexican, to Native American, to pieces from the 20's all the way to the new millennium and everything in between. If the piece is well designed and I see it and the "I have to have it" reflex kicks in, I buy it. I am also drawn to ethnic jewelry and tribal pieces.  Sterling silver has my heart but I enjoy semi precious stones, bone, ivory and intricate bead work. I also a fan of vintage purses, shoes and belts.
I'm new to the blogging world.  I've been "thrifting" for more than a decade and I've considered myself a vintage jewelry collector, for the past year.  I guess that makes me a newbie.  As I think about this statement, I've always been a collector.  As a child I collected dolls from around the world and in some ways I still do.  The passion I had for dolls at age eight is the same passion I now have for accessories and the cool and unusual.
I started collecting purses in my late teens along with the hobby of sneakers.  I later dropped the sneaker habit and kept the vintage purses. I'm drawn to the cool, unusual and eclectic purse.  I own purses made from an array of materials from chain link, wood to leather.  There isn't a particular time period that I'm drawn to, I enjoy and relish in seeing a well constructed piece of art that you can wear.
I will start by showing you my "favorite" pieces of jewelry, vintage or otherwise, with a few vintage purses and art mixed in.  If I ever get motivated I plan to start an Etsy shop and sell some of the jewelry pieces online.  There are some that I will never sell and others I would happily let go of to afford a few of the coveted items on my wish list.  
I call myself  the "Goodwill Huntress",  because  I cant pass any thrift store without going in. I also chose the name because its cheeky and just corny enough to be funny...get it Goodwill hunting :) I hope you enjoy what's to come on my blog and I would like to connect with other "jewelry Junkies" and "vintage divas" that want to look good without breaking the bank.